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  • Writer's pictureSavinDisney

Disney Park Bag Must-Haves

It can be a bit stressful knowing what you should pack in your park bag - you want to have the essentials, but you don't want your bag to be too heavy! I'm sharing some of my must-haves (links included) with you today to hopefully make your packing process a little easier! Let's dive right in!

1. Rain Poncho - you never know what the weather will be like in Florida, and most likely it

will rain at some point during your trip. Having a rain poncho is a life-saver, let me tell you! Even if it is raining you will still want to get the most out of your trip, so being able to walk around without getting your clothes wet is a must! Side-note: you may want to bring a zip-lock bag to put your poncho in when it's done raining so you don't get everything else in your bag wet.

2. Portable Charging Bank - With all of the photos I take and using the My Disney Experience App to keep track of wait times, make my mobile orders, make my Genie+ selections, etc.; my phone battery tends to drain pretty quickly, so having a portable charging bank is so helpful! I don't have to worry about my phone dying and missing out anything, so I definitely recommend keeping one of these in your bag!

3. Mini Handheld Fan - If you are going to Disney during the warmer months, you will want a fan - trust me! There are several rides with line queues outside, with no shade, and the sun blazing down on you. Having a mini fan to whip out to cool down a bit will be so nice - I was so thankful I had one when I was there in August last summer!!!

4. Sunscreen - I don't think this one needs much explanation! You will definitely want sunscreen in Disney World no matter the time of year!

5. Hand Sanitizer/Disinfectant Wipes - This one also doesn't need much explanation, but bringing your own from home will save you money! The hand sanitizer sold at Disney is up-charged, and although Disney World has some sanitizing stations around the parks, they aren't always well stocked. And you will definitely want to wipe down your hands before eating or maybe even after if things get a little messy!

6. Light Jacket or Sweatshirt if going during cooler months - Even though Florida is known for being very hot & humid, during those cooler months you can have some chilly evenings. Having a light jacket on hand for those cool nights in the parks will definitely be useful!

7. Refillable Water Bottle - Water bottles are not cheap at Disney, so having your own personal bottle on hand is a must! Especially in the heat, you will want to be drinking a lot of

water, you do not want to be dehydrated while on your Disney vacation!! There are several water filling stations around the parks, and you can always stop at most Quick Service Restaurants for a free cup of ice water that you can pour into your cup (I love getting ice water so my water is nice and cold!).

*Not included, but of course make sure to have your magic bands and/or your park tickets, a credit card and/or cash, a photo ID, and anything essentials for your family.

If you are looking for more help planning your Disney Trip, I would love to help! My Disney vacation planning services are 100% complementary when booking a Disney trip, so my services are no extra cost to you! Email me today and we can start planning your dream Disney vacation:


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