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  • Writer's pictureSavinDisney

Misconceptions about Booking your Disney Vacation with a Travel Agent

There are many myths out there on why or why not to use a Travel Agent when planning your Disney vacation, and I am going to go over some of those today!

  1. Travel Agents cost more! This may be accurate for a small percentage of Travel Agents, but most agents, like me, do not charge extra for our planning services! If you book your Disney vacation (Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise, etc.) with me, my services are 100% complimentary!!

  2. You cannot plan anything yourself! Some people fear that using a Disney Travel Agent means giving up control over their vacation plans, and that is simply not the case. I have worked with a wide range of clients, some who love to plan and have been to Disney several times, but also some clients who have never been and don't have any idea where to start. I tell my clients they can plan as much or as little as they want. I'm a big planner (I know shocking lol), so I understand wanting to plan details on your own, but it is always nice to have a knowledgeable Disney planner just an email or text away!

  3. You don't need a Travel Agent because you have been before! This is definitely a misconception that I hear all of the time! You may be aware of all of the basics, which is great, and like I shared in the second myth, you can totally plan those things on your own if you would like. But Disney is constantly changing things and new discounts are constantly rolling out. So, if you want to get the best deal, and not wait on hold with Disney for hours to add your discount or ask a question, booking with a Travel Agent is a no brainer! Also, who wants to get up at 5am and book Disney Dining Reservations...your travel agent will gladly do this for you!

  4. All of the information I need is online! While this may be true, there is SO MUCH information out there that it can be quite overwhelming! Some articles and videos are for click-bait, and anything you find online could work for some families, but may not work for yours. Having a Travel Agent who you can share your family preferences and needs with, will be able to give you better information and guidance than any online article! Whether you want to meet your favorite characters, experience thrilling rides, or explore hidden gems within the parks, they make it their mission to bring your wishes to life!

There are so many more myths and misconceptions out there, but these are the ones I hear the most! If you have a question about my planning services, please feel free to email me and I would love to answer that for you:



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